Managing Sibling Rivalry

Managing arguments between children is something that many parents express is a stressful parenting trigger. Here are some tips of how to manage sibling rivalry :
managing sibling rivalry

Managing arguments between children is something that many parents express is a stressful parenting trigger. Here are some tips of how to manage sibling rivalry :

  • Set clear expectations of behaviour when all children are present and ensure they are clear about the consequences of teasing, fighting and disrespectful language. A family meeting is a good place to discuss these and give every child an opportunity to discuss their thoughts and feelings on the situation
  • Model calm conflict resolution and discuss behaviour rather than personally attacking a family member
  • Take time to listen to what each child is saying rather than assuming you know what has happened and who is causing the conflict
  • Allow the children to sort conflicts out for themselves rather than jumping in to find a solution
  • Teach assertiveness and encourage your child to tell others when they do not like their behaviour, this includes their siblings. Provide words that children can use to set boundaries and teach others how they would like to be treated. For example, you might say, “Tell your sister, ‘I don’t like it when you call me names. My name is Julia. Call me that instead.’

If you’re dealing with sibling rivalry or similar challenges at home, you’re not alone. Understanding these dynamics can help create a more harmonious family environment. If you’d like guidance on handling conflicts or just want to feel more confident in managing these situations, feel free to reach out. I’m here to help you find solutions and support you in fostering a happier home for you and your children.

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Hi, I'm Cherie

I help parents feel more fulfilled and confident in their parenting journey by offering personalised advice and practical strategies tailored to their unique needs. With over 30 years of experience, I specialise in guiding parents through the challenges of raising primary-aged children.

Book a FREE consultation below if you're ready to enhance your parenting skills and create a happier home!



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